Sunday, September 18, 2005

Nashaba Gets His time too.

Nashaba is an 8.5 yr old big old boy, Artic/Tundra & Malamute, he came to Trinity from Bend, OR. He came here after his human had received threats against him, she didn't want anything to happen to him and since he didn't have a fenced yard had to stay chained up with not much freedom. Since he came here in June he has adapted very well to being here this is home to him, he has several places he likes to posts up depending on what is going on everywhere. He is always ready to go for a walk and we have to take several walks daily, but if I don't go then the 2 of them might take off for Red Mountain or Spider Meadow where they have been seen but if you come across him he will be watching you from the trees. He's curious and likes the attention from me or a few others that are part of the pack, for the longest time he wouldn't come nside even though it was ok , but finally he comes in to check things out or to look for Kaia if she has been gone. He is very laid back but really seems to be enjoying the cooler air at night and in the early mornings and his step is quicker now than it has been. He loves to check out the horse camp and most of the deer trails around here daily to see if anything new is around.

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