Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Scenes around Trinity after first snow Posted by Picasa

Nashaba eating snow instead of getting into the water as usual Posted by Picasa

Kaia watching Shaba eating snow Posted by Picasa

Tailrace flow into dipping pond and cutthroat trout home already freezing up Posted by Picasa

Bob having fun Posted by Picasa

Mode of Transportation Right now Posted by Picasa

Checking Dam and Dipping Pond Posted by Picasa

First Snow at Trinity Halloween Day 05 we got 4-8"  Posted by Picasa

The Snow Finally Arrived

Well Halloween day brought a nice suprise when I looked out about 2am and saw it snowing very large flakes. I was glad to see it but had all the vehicles in the wrong place but got that taken care of thanks to a friend showing up after having to walk 4 miles here because of a downed tree. After I got ready we went and cleared the tree and brouht his vehicle in. This is my mode of travel right now and I like it better than a snowmobile but will be glad when my Ranger gets here. They are calling for more snow tonight and through this weekend but it seems to have gotten warmer and is just lightly raining , now we need the cold so that we can get a good base going. On the way to the dam and out on the road in several places geting so much snow so fast kept in the warmth and the surface area keeps melting the snow from underneath making a mess. Enjoy the sites and colors of winter from Paradise.