Well after not being able to lift off from Olympia last week to do maint the crews showed up yesterday and it was very cloudy here and areas that they needed to get in to were hard and some not possible. The loads went up sporadically and full so I wasn't able to get to fly this year which was disappointing but sorta expected with the weather being the way it was. We did talk of moving a sno-tel station to here at Trinity next year which will be very cool to have here and this year we are setting up a snow course to check the snow this year, then next year we will have realtime data about the snow, very cool. Since I've lived here I've become very interested in rocks, & snow and all the bugs living here especially the ones I see in the winter, the cold doesn't kill them. I've been learning about the different types of fish we have in the river and creek here and some that we have seen aren't even mentioned by those in the know, which I think is very interesting. There is always next year.
We found our Paradise, hope you find yours too.