It's been a few weeks since I've written about what is happening out at Trinity and I apologize for that first off, there has been a lot happening.
The snow has been melting rapidly in most areas but there are still several miles of road that still have as much as 2-2.5' of snow covering it, there are trees and debris everywhere from the Nov rains and Dec wind storms that happened out here. I've been cutting and clearing trees for the last 3-4 weeks just to make it to my vehicle. The river has cut many new channels and as I've mentioned has been feeding the pond that our tail race feeds into causing it to overflow and and erode the bulkhead so now the trail to Buck Creek is under about 5-6' of water so any hikers planing to make it to Buck Mountain or Buck Creek trail should prepare to get wet. The hummingbirds arrived in early May 6th, and the deer showed up the following weekend. There is a constant building of the deer herd coming into the backyard to the salt lick as many as 20-30 at a time and it is almost always deer out there during the day. That is until I get out moving around but then they are only gone for a few minutes. Haven't seen the martens lately but know they are around. This weekend is Memorial Weekend and we know that the Forest Service is wanting to open the campgrounds for it but something people need to know is that there is quite a bit of damage from trees crossing the road and from water crossing the road several places , unless people have 4 wheel drive vehicles they may not be able to get to many campsites. It will be interesting needless to say. There are still places for me to snowmobile or use the Ranger to get around. I've thought about taking my tracks off but still have enough snow to keep them on for another week or 2. Here are a few pictures of what is happening around here, the snow is almost gone behind the house but get in the trees and it can still be 4' deep and maybe even more in some places making it much more difficult to get around. The river and Phelps creek and many of the little creeks are all flowing very well right now making it harder for places where you have to ford them take extra caution around the swift moving water right now.