Since yesterday we've had over 18" of snow fall here and today several friends came out for skiing, snowmobiling & brunch. It was a great day it puked snow and for the first time since mid Jan this is the most snow at one time we have gotten here. Sometimes it was snowing over 2"+/hr of beautiful POW. Everyone had a great time and the dogs really loved it, at time all you could see of Bear was the top of his head but they just love the deep POW to play in, but then again don't we all. We are now over 6' on our gauge and that is a good thing.
Even though we have held what snow we have had here never getting lower than 3.5' it just wasn't adding up do to warming and settling before it got to 4' and then today we finally went over 6'. I've always liked the snow and seeing everything white in the trees because it is so clean and beautiful but until it stopped snowing I never realized what kind of impact it caused. Most people that know me know I'm very laid back and never let things bother me, take everything in stride but when things started turning white again I realized I was feeling depressed due to the lack of snow especially during the middle of winter, now that it's snowing I feel revived and much happier now. I love the snow and the mountains and getting to live here is the Bomb, just can't see living anywhere else.
I feel great now and have enjoyed sharing this wonderful place with my friends, if you love snow and wintersports of any kind you can find it here, most only visit but my dogs and I live here always, what could make life better... that is another story...
Get out and enjoy these beautiful surroundings and the POWPOW, it does a body great.
We found our Paradise, hope you find your's too. Namaste'