This past weekend we had about 30 mushers come out for the weekend and they were great. This winters storms caused the Chiwawa River to cut a new channel that came right through Trinity's back pond, and eroded one of the bulkheads and flooded part of the Buck Creek Tr. We had put out a few sandbags, but with the ever changing river flow they were sent downstream and the hole got bigger.
Well we had about 12 people that got their feet and legs very cold that Friday morning started filling sandbags and hauling rocks up & down the pond in our small boat, in about 2.5-3 hours they had closed it off building a nice rock/sandbag wall. I am very grateful because what they did in three hours I couldn't have done in 2 summers, especially in the water and silt they were working in. I want to thank: Bill, Carol, Laura, Mark, Allan, Diane, Brian, Dan, Jared, Jake,& Alex for the wonderful job you did. I couldn't find my list so if I left anyone out please let me know my memory sometimes doesn't remember everyone that helped with this. This was the largest group that has been here since I've been at Trinity, loads of fun. We had many more show up Friday night & Sat morning, we were treated to a slide show and video from Margaret & Don who had done the Serum Run in Alaska this past winter, we had about 25 mph winds that evening and everyone was bundled up watching the Alaska pics where at times it was -55 during their run. I apologize to everyone that was here but I have misplaced the tablet where the names were, I believe it will show up. I found it,so now it's all good, now I can remember all of the places I want to visit this summer. I'll put other pictures up in the online album which is linked to the blog. Thanks again for all of the help. I forgot to mention that Peace was a good hostess to the 10 or so dogs that also visited this weekend, not counting the dog teams that stayed at their kennels, she kept up with all of them and there were no problems at all they all got along great it wa a pleasure to watch them interact also. We have more sandbags on the way.
I found my Paradise, hope you find yours too. Namaste'