Happy holidays to everyone from Trinity. I've had several people ask why I haven't been posting to the blog and so here I am again. These past few months well since August I have been recovering slowly from total knee replacement surgery, spent about 8 weeks at the farm, doing therapy and trying to get ready for this wonderful time of year. Recovery has been slow but steady and some days more painful than before the surgery.
We came home in October hoping to see snow which we did as early as Oct 16th but then it melted and we saw it again on Nov 6 we got around 10" but then it warmed up and started raining and it melted and that seemed to be the pattern through November. We went out Dec 8 to see my Dr before I couldn't and came home on the 9 to a little snow but the promise of more on the way and come it did Friday night we got 18" which was a very dry POWder but not too deep to get around and over the next couple of day we got another5-8" but the temps dropped into single digits which froze everything up at the dam and shut us down, so Sun I went to clear the dam and ran for a while but after spending about 4 hours to clear the snow & ice it only ran for about 3 hours so we spent the night without power and built a fire to stay warm, on Monday 12th I went back to the dam and found worse conditions than the day before, spent almost 5 hours clearing the ice and snow but it froze up faster than I could clear it, I did get enough water to bring the plant back up and while I was doing that had a visit from friends Grant, Ivan & General who drove in which was surprising since I figured they had already groomed part of the way here meaning it is a sno-park for the rest of winter. HAd a good visit and they found out I was say and helped me get the generator so I would at least have some power if the plant went down again. Well they had been gone about 45 min when the plant dropped again and with it snowing pretty good and the temps dropping figured I'd wait and see if it would warm up enough to help thaw some of the ice. It just got colder and I spent most of my days just trying to get the snow here knocked down and trails made which make it easier to get around and keeping the fire going. The temp were the coldest I have ever experienced here by 15 degrees and as low as -8 and hovering around 0 for several days. On Sunday I decided to see if I could get the plant back online and after using a torch to thaw out the wheel so I could increase the water flow and spin the wheels, I got it back up but not knowing how long it would last based on previous trips to dam and not as cold I figured I should sent out messages to everyone I know that snowmobiles and comes up this way especially during the Christmas holidays to know I might need help. Well I'm happy to say that the channels cut by the creek must have formed correctly and giving us enough water flow we have been running since then without even a fluctuation.
The dogs are enjoying playing in the snow and disappear quite ofter especially Bear but then he pops out of the snow looking white and they have a blast. The snow being so cold is not so fun for their feet though and you see them constantly shifting to 3 feet stances. I've included a couple of photos of what the creek looks like and the progression of the ice dams. Well since I know friends read this blog I'll do better at keeping up with writing and telling you what's happening here. Stay safe & warm this holiday season and we'll be sharing our adventures, Peace & Love/
We found our Paradise, hope you find your's too.
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