Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve @ Trinity 2008

Well it seems 2008 is trying hard to go out with a Bang, well maybe not a bang but lots of snow. Even though we just started getting snow that stayed on Dec 11th which is very late for Trinity it's been trying hard to catch up since then. Last night we got another 10.25" of POW but it was windblown. We've finally started seeing some snowmobilers making it up here after Christmas and even though they haven't groomed out here yet people are still making it out here, just having to break new trails each day and avoiding a few downed trees, they still love to get out and ride. We've had a few friends come visit and are looking for more the rest of the holiday weekend, actually some we just met last year that jumped in to help someone they didn't know when someone got lost on the way here and at the time we had almost 10' of snow with over 6' of new since they had groomed last which made it very challenging to say the least. It will be nice seeing them again this year. The last couple of days we have some very strong winds blowing the snow to whiteout conditions worse than anything I ever have seen here but it doesn't even phase the dogs, they just want to play as the photos show. Phelps Creek is almost completely covered in 3-4' of ice & snow this year already and we only have almost 5' on our gauge because of settling.
This is the time of year that most people make new resolutions that sound good but they never really plan to keep them it seems, I just plan to make each day the best that I can, to share Love & Peace with all I come in contact with, it makes my life better, an adventure in the making.

I hope each and everyone of you have a great celebration knowing that everyday is a new day and doesn't have to be controlled by past events because they are over, future events aren't here so enjoy today making it the best you can because it is all you have.
Peace, Lillie, Bear Love, Gizmo the Cat, and I wish you all the very best life has to offer. Take the time to enjoy the moment not be so rushed you pass your blessings by.
We found our Paradise, hope you find yours too.
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