The top photo is the gauge by the foot bridge on Phelps CK and since Sat it has come up almost .7' and still rising. We checked it yesterday afternoon and it was very dark and murky but not muddy which usually means lots of debris in the water which isn't good for the screens at the dam or settling tank, and can shut the plant down.
The next photo is Chiwawa River @ Phelps CK campground, the bend and Peace is doing what she always does she's looking for the dipper birds that live along the river, the sing and she goes after them without a care. All of the dogs use trees like bridges or highways through the trees, they are true mountain dogs, and love the snow.
This bottom photo is at the auto bridge at the gate, looking up stream of Phelps CK, in the last week it has come up almost a 1' with most coming since the temps went over 70 on Sat & Sun and the nights have stayed warmer than what they have been lately. The afternoons the water is murkier and darker but in the morning it is clearer. This afternoon we heard the tale tale sounds of rising water in the creek, it sounds like bowling underwater from the massive boulders that roll along the bottom, rocks you or I can't lift without help and they are easily pushed down the creek, and the noise alone is becoming defining if you are close. It's a sure sign that spring has arrived at Trinity.
We found out Paradise, hope youfind yours too. Peace
Hey there Gregg,
Thanks for any updates on the road conditions you can provide!
Nice to see the spring coming to Trinity.
Looks like the dogs are haveing loads of fun!
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