Saturday, December 24, 2005

Twas the day before Christmas

Namaste and Merry Christmas from Trinity. Today it's raining and getting sloppy outside nothing is moving not even a snowmobiler on the trails. Which is probably a good thing as it would really make a mess. It's been snowing intermittently but mostly rain which will help the snow to pack better but until it freezes again it makes it very mushy and not as much fun to be in. The ice that had formed in the creek and at the dam has now given way to the waterflow going over the rocks and even though it's hard to get around it is still a place of beauty and peace. It really is paradise to me and the kids can't think of any place we'd rather be. Wishing everyone peace and blessings this year and here's to finding your bit of paradise where ever it may be.
Namaste, Gregg, Kaia, Nashaba& Gizmo.

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