Thursday, December 13, 2007

Can you tell that Peace & Bear Love are happy to be home, they went out about 7am and are still playing outside checking everything out since they got home. After being very restricted in what they could do in town except for when they are at the farm our second home away from home, where they are part of the pack. They keep me laughing at their antics in the snow, they just love to be out there playing running the excess energy off. Yesterday PEace had her very first encounter with a snomobiler face to face as she was running home but once she saw the snowmobile drive up she went into charging and jumping around but she wsn't going to let them pass and he wasn't sure if he wanted to try while she was there until I got her to sit with me and watch them go by. There is no place like home and we are so glad to be home, no place like it, we like visiting our friends and having them visit us here.
We found our Paradise, hope you find yours too.

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