Well it has continued to be very hard to know what the weather is going to do at Trinity, earlier this week we had snow then rain/snow mix, then more snow then it got warm with beautiful blue skies all around yet we still saw it snowing in the back yard at the same time. Elaine and I spent almost everyday working on the trails around Trinity and some days got so warm so quick that we could only work for a little while before tearing it up instead of smoothing things out. This morning we are getting snow and are supposed to get almost ft of new snow today and tomorrow. Every time it has snowed the snowmobilers have been out to tear it up or make first tracks but I have been able to make first tracks a couple of days this week when going out to the mail or Leavenworth but the temps have been crazy too some days not getting below 30 and then warming up very quickly but then we have seen high temps after 6pm when it should be getting colder, very strange is all I can say. Last night we had beautiful clear skies with a half moon brightly shining and lighting up the Trinity Valley it was gorgeous, the owls were busy talking to eac`h other and the only sound we could hear outside was Phelps Creek because it has almost a foot more water flowing now than it normally does. Another thing this year is that the Chiwawa River has been diverted north of Trinity and it is now flowing into the back pond that usually only has the water the hydro plant uses in there but now there is water coming in from somewhere upstream probably due to downed trees and snow combination no matter what the cause it has changed course and now has wiped out part of the Buck Creek Trail, it's a stream, actually there are many of these new streams flowing through all of the low areas, it will be interesting to see what happens after the melt starts. Life is always interesting at Trinity, you never know what you will experience from one day to the next. Elaine and I have been enjoying working out in the snow keeping the trails open and smooth as possible using only the Ranger & a drag, and snowmobiles to take out the high spots. It is so good having Elaine back home and even though the weather hasn't cooperated all the time each day we are out playing together and even though it is only in the 20's & 30's most days she is beginning to understand that snow can be great fun. She loves driving the Ranger and does a great job with the dragging now that she is starting to get more comfortable doing it, some days she doesn't want to quit even when it the snow is getting sloppy which it has been a couple of times this week, and I'm very grateful.
We found our Paradise, hope you find yours too
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