Well it's Sunday mornig the skies were clear last night no snow fell but the temps sure did, perfect conditions for grooming. This holiday season has not been quite like I thought it would be especially since Elaine came into my life. I thought we would be spending the time together and getting with family and friends for this time of year, instead we have only seen each other 2 times since Thanksgiving for a couple of days each. Right now the snow is too deep for me to get out on the ATV expecially when it comes to going up hills and there are plenty of those between Trinity and Fish Lake. I did hear that a couple of friends tried to get out here yesterday but they said there were too many trees down and they could only get to Grouse Creek campground which is still 18 miles away from Trinity.
Every morning I get dressed and go out to check the road to see if it has been groomed and since the snow last week that dumped about 3-4' of new snow and dropped many trees has not been groomed since the first time back on Dec 6th. They are supposed to have a schedule they keep but it seems to me that they work on keeping the trails closer to Fish Lake cleared and groomed but the more adventurous trails have been left alone and ungroomed, affecting many sledders, dog sledders and skiers that use these groomed trails. I still haven't seen or heard of Kaia & Nashaba for over 10 days and that concerns me. I know they use the groomed trails but they aren't groomed for them to get home and I still can't get to them. I'm just believing that Elaine and I will be together for Christmas and will get to make up for the time we have been apart. This is a time to be with family and friends and know that Love and Peace should be given to all we come in touch with. My desire is for the the Trinity pack to be reunited back home at Trinity.
We found our Paradise, hope you find yours. Namaste'
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