The snow stopped basically except for small light flurries during the day that didn't amount to anything, but that has changed now the temps are back up to 14 and overnight we almost doubled the total amount of snow here in just one 24 hour period...Even though we are about half of what we had already at this time last year, at least it's snowed all the way to the lake 23 miles away and that is a good thing so they will possibly start grooming on Dec 1 which is the offical start of the sno-park season.
When we came home last Sat after visiting some friends and getting another 300# of dog food, we said goodbye to the dog bus from Trinty and sent it out to the garage for winter, but were wondering if we had made a mistake since we weren't seeing any snow, just really cold temps, well once it warmed up here came the snow.
These photos are of the dam in it's frozen glory when the temps had dropped to -1 overnight and stayed coooooold for a couple of day, the top photo is of the dam itself, the 2nd photo is of the icedams forming on the rocks below the dam and the 3rd photo is looking back above James Ck...
For those of you that have ben waiting for the snow to get here before breaking out those sleds, well it's time to get them out and go have some fun, there is now plenty of snow out here to have a nice POW ride, you can get first tracks out this way but know that I've enjoyed the first tracks here for the last few days and it's good...
Now get out there and enjoy the POW and leave the shopping to those who just don't know