Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lyman Glacier (fastest melting glacier in U S

I was visiting with some friends the other day when they were here and we were discussing Lyman Glacier and what is still there and what isn't anymore. I have put pictures up that I have taken over the last couple of years but I was given some pictures of Lyman Glacier back in the 80's from a hike David Morris of Napeequa Winery took, thanks for sharing them David. I will put a few comparisons up here and the rest will be on the web album for those that might be interested. From what I have read and understand is that Lyman Glacier is the fastest melting glacier in the northern hemisphere and being in my backyard concerns me. I hear comments that there is no global warming but if that is the case then why the drastic changes in this wonderful glacier, I'd be interested in your thoughts. I also am looking forward to seeing what it looks like this year when the PUD & NCRS are here to do the snotel maint. this year, it could be gone.

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